
From Exordium Wiki
Empire of Brazil
1822 - Present

Hino da Independência (Portuguese for Independence Anthem)

Government: Federal Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Brasilía (Administrative Capital)

Petropólis (Royal and Cultural Capital)

Monarch: Luiz II
Prime Minister: Ciro Gomes
Main Language: Portuguese
Other Languages: TBD
Legislature: General Assembly
Upper House: Senate
Lower House: Chamber of Deputies
2020 Population Estimate: 205,624,391
Currency: TBD

Brazil, oficially known as the Empire of Brazil is a country located in South America. beign the largest country in said subcontinent, bordering all countries in the subcontinent except for Chile, it also owns a handful of islands on the atlantic ocean such as Fernardo de Noronha and the Paolish Islands, homeland of the Pao ethnic group.