Chinese Genocide

From Exordium Wiki

The Chinese mass killings of 1965, also known as the Chinese genocide,  Chinese Communist Purge, or Chinese politicide, were large-scale killings and civil unrest that occurred in China and Manchukuo over several months. The primary target of the Chinese Genocide was the peasantry in support of the Communist Party of China. Other targets include Mongolians, pro-Soviet Russians living in Outer Manchuria, former members of the Chinese Soviet Republic during WW2, Koreans, and Uyghur Muslims. The genocide was initiated by a series of decrees by Zhou Fohai, who, with the support of Japan, gave orders allowing local police cells to summarily execute suspected members of the underground Communist Party and making it a crime punishable to death to harbor members of the CCP.

Low estimates, as given by independent and highly suppressed researchers in Beijing universities, estimate around 1,000,000 to have been directly executed or exterminated in concentration camps during the Genocide, while high estimates, usually from pro-Communist sources given by Soviet-backed groups determine that at least 3-5 million Chinese to have died. It was a major factor in the eventual Korean Revolutionary War of 1987 to 1990, and also crucial in the erosion of the one-party state and the eventual rise of the reformist but still strongly anti-communist New Three Principles Party as the second dominant political force in China from perceived weakness to Japanese demands.