Soviet Wiki Outline

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Soviet Wiki Outline for Exordium - let me know your email on discord so I can add you to this so that you can edit it as you please

Infobox Premier of the Congress of Soviets - Boris Kagarlitsky (CPSU - Right Faction (Unorthodox Socialism)) Population - 285 million - tentative number Government Type - Dominant-Party (CPSU - Four formal factions), Soviet Republic, Federal Flag


Borders - got to learn how to edit wikipedia globe icon that highlights the country’s borders Outline of SSR’s Size - 18.8 million km.² - tentative size Religions Orthodox Christianity Russian Orthodox Church Georgian Orthodox Church Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Living Church/Renovationism Catholicism Roman Catholic Church Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Protestant Christianity Baptists, Evangelical Christians, Pentecostals Lutherans Judaism Islam Sunni Islam Shia Islam Languages Main Languages Russian Ukrainian Byelorussian Tajik Georgian Kazakh Kirghiz Uzbek Azerbaydzhan Turkmen Minority Languages Karelian Komi-Zyrian Komi-Permyak Chuvash Kurdish Tatar Bashkir Tuvan Mongolian Polish Lithuanian Latvian Estonian Finnish Turkish Mandarin Uyghur Armenian Currency - Ruble Anthem - The Internationale Legislature - Congress of Soviets Need to reorder these in the same order as other country wikiboxes on the EX wiki Summary Brief history and description of the country and some information about its economy, culture, population, etc. Probably best to come up with this last after basic lore has been definitively settled. Culture Need stuff for limited cultural crossover between USSR and Japanese Sphere (still do detente, but since USA’s main enemy is Japan, they and USSR will probably have more cultural crossovers than Japan will with USSR, so no Soviet anime probably) Culture from Russian Empire to present Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Pushkin, Repin, Chekov, etc. Literature Fiction Pasternak Bulgakov Gorky Science Fiction authors Henry Layon Oldy Influence from and collaboration with modernist writers from USA and Europe before WW2, but while there is certainly an interest amongst the Soviet art and literary world to embrace the avant-garde, many are opposed to the modernist writers who are reactionaries or outright fascists, such as T.S. Eliot or Ezra Pound. Some modernists, usually ones that are communist/communist-leaning or more apolitical, visit the USSR and converse with famous Soviet writers, but often there are heated disagreements about the role of politics in art. Socialist realist writers especially despise foreign writers who they accuse of employing “aesthetics of decadence” to glorify bourgeois lifestyles. Many modernist writers from outside the USSR take a more apolitical stance, considering politics to be beneath them, or that its influence crushes artistic spirit. Some modernist writers who are right-wing still enjoy praise in the USSR, if their work does not contain overtly right-wing messages. For example, Louis-Ferdinand Celine’s Journey to the End of the Night is enjoyed by much of the Soviet literary world. Some critics even say it is a psychological study of the lumpenproletariat, beaten into hopeless nihilism and misanthropy by bourgeois society. However, those praises are later retracted after Celine, a rapid anti-semite, enthusiastically collaborated with the Nazis. Later influence from postmodern novels and maximalist novels from the USA, like Don Delilo, David Foster Wallace, and Thomas Pynchon. In fact, the Soviet Union often fascinates American writers, but sometimes in more of a metaphysical or sociological way. For example, Don Delilo writes Sablin II to explore the relationship between art, the individual, and mass politics in a turbulent age of revolution. Roberto Bolano, a Chilean communist writer, fled Chile for Mexico following Pinochet’s coup against Allende. After several years in Mexico, Bolano moved to the USSR, writing many novels, such as 2666 and The Savage Detectives, that often centered on Latin America, literature, and politics in styles verging on magical realism. Unlike real life, Bolano finishes 2666 before his death, and all five parts of the novel are published separately as Bolano originally wished. One American writer that the Soviets particularly enjoy is Cormac McCarthy. McCarthy, a recluse who rarely agrees to interviews, gives vague answers about his actual political views, but Soviet literary critics often see a critique of American consumerism and settler-colonialism within his works. Somewhat like otl USSR and Huckleberry Finn, the USSR likes to promote McCarthy’s work sometimes as examples of “the great American novel,” but unlike Twain’s novel, McCarthy’s novels are usually only taught at universities, not grade schools, due to the graphic violence present in many of his works. Theater Idk anything about Soviet theater Poetry Mayakovsky Yesenin Anna Akmatova Khlebnikov Daniil Khrams Mandelstam Osip Brik Igor Severyanin Solzhenitsyn doesn’t write poetry since he is an anti-communist terrorist Shalamov never writes much poetry, remains a literary critic and Trot and becomes premier The USSR’s poetic tradition remains strong, and theaters are still often packed just for poets and actors to give dramatic readings of poems. People get verses of Yessinin tattooed onto their arms and backs. Children memorize Pushkin by heart in grade school. Politics sometimes hinders, sometimes benefits the development and exchange of poetry between the USSR and the rest of the world. For example, T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland remains one of the most influential poems of the century, but Soviet literary critics see in the poem a deeply elitist, reactionary sentiment. In fact, several of the more overtly right-wing American poets are frowned upon as “counter-revolutionary” within Soviet literary circles, but some American poets, like Hart Crane, enjoy considerable praise among Soviets while ignored in America. In Crane’s case, this is not only because his masterpiece, The Bridge, challenges Eliot’s The Wasteland on a thematic level, but also because he has shown occasional sympathies with the communist cause. His literary reputation as a master poet grew several decades after his suicide, boosted by American literary critics like Harold Bloom, but cynics still say that he is only famous because of communist support, not poetic ability. Surrealist poetry gets more support from the USSR, since it is a world famous art movement with communists like Andre Breton at its head. Following WWII, the USSR often sponsors international poets in places they consider to have been “ravaged by colonialism,” as Ryutin put it. Post-colonial African, Middle-Eastern, and Asian countries often found not only economic, but cultural support from the USSR to help popularize and legitimate “third-world poets.” However, some poets consider this an orientalist paternalism of Soviet variety. Latin American poets like Pablo Neruda were world-famous, and the USSR helped to sponsor communist poets abroad to ensure that their work was not forgotten. At the very least, their poetic prestige could lend prestige to communism by osmosis. Following WWII, American poetry underwent several chaotic periods of change, from the Beatniks to the Minimalists to the Maximalists and beyond. Beatniks were seen more like anarchists and degenerates in the USSR, given their often vulgar and sexually explicit content. Censorship was greatly relaxed under Ryutin, but the limits of artistic expression were put to the limit in court cases within both the USSR and the USA as a result of Ginsberg’s poetry. In both countries, his poetry was considered pornographic, and so it could not be given to minors. Ginsberg later visited the USSR in the early 1960’s, but most Soviets considered him a pornographer, not a poet. Although Ginsberg remained popular in American left-wing spaces until his death in 1990’s, his involvement with NAMBLA ensured that he was banned from the USSR in the 1980’s. As social movements around race, gender, and sexuality gained momentum, poets began to represent and confront these topics in their works, particularly in America. The Black Panthers, for example, were supported publicly by the USSR, and many poets attached to the Black Power movement were promoted across the USSR and invited to readings in major Soviet cities. In addition, Soviet LGBT poets were inspired by much of the new gay rights poetry coming out of America, and consequently started their own gay poetry movements. Unlike the USA, however, this found much more support from the government, even if the Soviet population was less than enthused by queer culture. During the 1980’s, the AIDS epidemic tore through queer communities throughout the world, especially in America under President Kirkpatrick and President Rumsfeld. Many sought refuge in the USSR, but there was popular backlash at the prospect of admitting gay immigrants, thinking that they would bring AIDS with them and infect the country. Film Tarkovsky Eisenstein Avant-Garde Man with a Movie Camera 10 Days that Shook the World Other more revolutionary and avant-garde films/art in general Parajanov Leonid Gaidai Aleksandr Demyanenko Andrei Mironov Ostern’s/Red Westerns White Sun of the Desert The Elusive Avengers A Man from the Boulevard des Capucines Soviet comedies/musicals War Films Come and See They Fought for Their Country The Cranes are Flying Fate of a Man The Ascent Animation Sci Fi Animation Don’t know much specifics about Soviet animation, but I will say that though there will be greater crossover with the West, there is less so with the Japanese. However, Chinese lore, and consequently the EXTL relations between USSR and China, are still being developed, so idk if there will be any animation exchange (donghua) in EXTL. A lot of American films get popular in the USSR, and quite a lot of artistic development between directors in both countries. Many blockbusters, particularly science fiction, get popular in the USSR as well. In addition, many filmmakers use the USSR as a tax-haven for film shoots (low wages and not as much taxes to pay to shoot films there and many different kinds of environments available to film in). Difficult now to market films in the USSR because of laws against advertising and anti-copyright policies, so it’s harder to get massive sales for superhero movies, for example. The popularity of American science fiction shows leads to the rise of Cosmist science fiction films. Star Trek especially becomes one of the most popular American tv shows in the Soviet Union, surpassing even Columbo. USSR action films Action movies are usually seen as crass and commercial by Soviet critics, even if American action movies can do quite well in the box office. In addition, action movies require big budgets, and the state isn’t likely to spend a bunch of money on a big budget action movie. However, war movies, whether they depict the Russian Civil War, wars from the Russian Empire, WWII, or even the Tuvan or Finnish wars, can sometimes scratch this itch. Many war movies made in the USSR are more thought-provoking character dramas, but there are some war movies that depict daring soldiers fighting against the odds in a way similar to many American war films. In addition, Soviet Westerns, sometimes called Red Westerns or Ostern’s, also have action movie qualities, since westerns are cheaper to produce and films in the genre are often cheaper to make. USSR horror films Until about the 1970’s, horror films were rarely made in USSR. The closest analogue would be films based on Russian mythology, rather than some direct horror film. As the USA began its horror movie craze with grindhouse movies and slasher flicks, a domestic horror film culture began to slowly form within the USSR. The USSR was not exactly a great market for American horror film producers, since it had obscenity laws banning minors from seeing graphic depictions of sex and violence. Ticket sales were lower than most other countries, but a niche audience formed around the films that were imported and fan clubs developed around horror films. Furthermore, several of the most critically acclaimed horror films found a warmer reception in the USSR, beginning with Rosemary’s Baby. Films like The Exorcist, Videodrome, and Alien received critical acclaim within the USSR, but the domestic audiences were still quite limited. They did begin to expand, however, under Gorbachev, as more cultural imports from the West came in. Still, horror film audiences are usually confined to niche fan clubs and arthouse film enjoyers. Domestic horror film production became more popular in the 1990’s under Gorbachev, but usually these were based on Slavic mythology or took inspiration from films like Eraserhead to depict films more disturbing than purely shocking. Since horror films are cheaper to make, there were a few zombie and slasher films produced by the USSR, but they did not see many sales, even when compared to the poor sales of foreign horror films. Crime dramas are also popularized by American films, such as Goodfellas, Once Upon a Time in America, and The Godfather. Most of these films, however, take place before the Russian Revolution, or are set in contemporary settings. Many modern Soviet crime films are set during the economic troubles following Gorbachev or Kasparov, reflecting the desperation felt by many during those periods. Music Viktor Tsoi Dimitri Shostakovich Due to lack of strict censorship, he gets much more experimental and avant-garde in EXTL. By the 1970’s, he has experimented with atonalism, minimalism, and repetition, and his later symphonies include everything from saxophones to guitars to synthesizers in the instrumentation. His music also borrows more heavily from Mahler and post-romantic composers than otl, with more sweeping compositions and soundscapes alongside tender, emotionally resonant moments. Egor Letov Igor Talkov - anti-Soviet musician, but maybe still famous like otl? Connections to radical anti-communist sects and maybe even Russian National Government, and maybe that lands him in jail? Prokofiev Yanka Dyagileva Vysotsky Andrei Minorov Yuri Shevchuk (DDT) Alexander Bashlachev Muslim Magomayev Venya Drkin Disco music Disco, Funk, and Jazz became quite popular in the USSR, with clubs popping up across many cities, not just Moscow and Leningrad. Electronic music Eduard Artemyev Electronic music, progressive rock, and ambient music were often critically favored in the Soviet Union, and musicians sometimes collaborated with German, British, and American musicians on different albums to record new music. Punk/Post-punk music Punk music swept much of the Western world in the 1970’s, but it didn’t take off in the USSR until the 1980’s. Soviet punk and post-punk contained a wild blend of styles, instrumentation, and political beliefs, partly because both genres emerged around the same time within the USSR. Many use not only guitars, but also synthesizers, saxophones, and even accordions in their music. In addition, left-wing post-punk bands like Gang of Four and Minutemen were often popular within Soviet universities during the 1980’s. Yegor Letov - is there anything specific planned for him since he’s listed in the premier sheet in the same column as Alexander Men? Maybe he leads some weird hybrid counter-cultural movement of punk rock, Mao Spontex/Sablin, and Nationalism, or maybe he should remain a fierce anarchist (but what anarchism exactly means to him is somewhat vague). Some bands sometimes championed Sablin as a great radical hero, while others promoted fascism or anarchism with their music. It was the fascist bands that received the most suppression by the state, since even after Gorbachev the USSR still censored radical anti-communism. These fascist bands still had a small but loyal following, gathering in basements for illegal punk shows. The Russian National Government even used their small networks to distribute propaganda and recruit agents at some of these shows, but KGB infiltrators used fascist punk shows to infiltrate fascist circles, containing or even destroying them from within. Some state authorities tried to co-opt the more left-wing punk and post-punk groups into the Komsomol, with some success. However, anarchists remained fiercely independent here. Red Army Choir Folk musicians across all the SSR’s, not just the RSFSR Much of the folk movement in the USA, led by singers like Bob Dylan, finds popularity in the USSR, particularly because of their shared left-wing values. Pete Seeger, an open communist often toured the USSR during his lifetime, as did singers like Phil Ochs. Other folk musicians (loosely defined, everything from B.B. King to Townes Van Zandt) were often invited to tour the USSR, but audience enthusiasm varied wildly. Some singers sold out theaters in major Soviet cities, but others performed in small bars and clubs to audiences of hardcore fans. Country music, for example, was much less popular than Blues music and mainstream American folk music in the USSR, so musicians who sang hit after hit in the USA usually found only a small audience in the USSR. Should post-punk revival be a thing in the modern USSR? Arvo Part is Estonian, so not a Soviet composer since USSR never takes over Baltics Stravinsky hated the USSR and liked Mussolini - not well liked in USSR as a result until such a long time has passed after he dies that nobody really gives too much of a shit. Not really upheld as a national symbol of Soviet glory since he was never in the Soviet Union and hated it Art Constructivism Prolekult Socialist Realism Not state-imposed, but it emerges as a style nonetheless against more avant-garde artists, especially ones more associated with Prolekult types like Bogdanov and Lunacharsky Cosmism Later influences from other avant-garde styles coming in, like Expressionism, Abstract Expressionism, collage art, etc. Definitely a harsh reaction against pop art and other art styles from west that are deemed to be more “commercialized,” but some critics see pop art as vaguely or potentially anti-capitalist. There is a markedly different artistic culture in the USSR compared to other countries, because artists like Warhol often cultivated a brand for themselves around wealthy patrons and high society to make sales. In addition, many art collectors buy art as investments or to launder money, and so priceless pieces of art will be bought for millions of dollars, only to sit in warehouses to accumulate more value before being re-sold at another auction. In the USSR, painters are usually sponsored by the state, or at least cultural and artistic groups, rather than wealthy patrons. Party elites, however, do sponsor a number of artists in a role more akin to Renaissance nobles than modern art investors, but this does not mean that artists can always live a comfortable lifestyle in the USSR. Western artists are often derided by Soviet art critics for commercializing art, rather than seeking to develop the medium any further. For this reason, some of the more idealistic Western and even Japanese artists exhibit their works in the Soviet Union, since the USSR’s artistic scene is not as dominated by commercialization. Mark Rothko, for example, gave many of his works to Soviet art museums in Moscow and Leningrad, alongside Tate Modern in London, because he thought American audiences were not appreciating the meaning behind his works. Later mergers of different styles, like maybe trying to combine socialist realism and constructivism or something to produce art that’s more stylized but also restrained in its themes and aesthetic. Abstract art took off within the USA after WWII, but it had mixed reception within the USSR. While some of the avant-garde embraced it, many others considered it to be “reeking of bourgeois individualism and subjectivity.” However, some abstract artists tried to argue that their art was intended as being art for the masses, requiring no knowledge of symbols or artistic history to understand it. Furthermore, some abstract artists in the USSR positioned themselves against American abstract artists for their “subjectivity.” In contrast, these Soviet abstract artists, often continuing in the tradition of Kandinsky and Mondrian, tried to create an “objective painting” that was guided by shapes and mathematics, rather than splotching paint onto the canvas. American abstract artists, in turn, said that Soviet artists were stuck in the past and were “too cowardly to explore the depths of the soul.” Fashion Idk shit about fashion, but probably a lot of fashion is meant to be more restrained to emulate proletarian culture, but as time goes on there is more of a desire to emulate western fashion, especially under Gorbachev. Holidays New Year’s as Christmas probably still a thing Celebrations of October Revolution Anniversary Holidays for various figures birthdays (Marx, Lenin, Engels, Trotsky maybe) Solemn holidays for Great Patriotic War (both for date of when it started and for date it ended) Religion Orthodox Christianity is the main Christian denomination, since no Baltics and no Poland the influence of Catholic and Protestant churches is fairly limited, more boosted by missionaries coming after USSR is established Harsh state atheism policies during revolution and under Trotsky Lighter but firmly secular under Bukharin - basically allows church as long as it’s not anti-Soviet. More state surveillance over church than overt suppression Orthodox Church and Soviet state make a sort of truce as time goes by, but it’s uneasy since radical elements of the church will split if the Orthodox Church becomes overtly pro-Soviet (excepting some time of emergency like WW2) By the modern day, society at large is much less religious than modern Russia irl, but still more religious than modern, secular European countries irl. Politics, including CPSU(F) members, are still very much secular, though not outright state-atheist. Idk how Orthodox Christian theology evolves over time Not much tolerance for Catholic/Protestant missionaries until Ryutin, where it’s more limited (maybe it’s like he allows Protestant missionaries from America to come in and preach but on the condition that they pay the state more money to come in, idk if that should even happen, or if missionaries are even significant enough to bother having any policy towards them) Vatican is very hostile to the USSR in the beginning and through WW2, but afterward there’s not much interest in going against the USSR specifically because there’s not really any Catholics there to begin with. More tensions arise due to Vatican’s anti-communism, particularly wrt France, Italy, Spain, Latin America, etc. Liberation Theologists become a bigger force as Latin American revolutions spread, but it’s uneasy toleration at best. Should Pope Francis be the Pope in EXTL? Should Vatican be more conservative in EXTL? I know Vatican has a hard time keeping tradcaths and liberal catholics together, especially with very conservative Churches in places like Poland Poland is briefly socialist before throwing the Soviets out, so I would imagine the Catholic Church plays a huge role in anti-communist protests there. Whoever devs for Poland should let me know how the anti-communist revolution occurs, since that would affect Soviet-Vatican relations. Idk anything about Islam Harsh punishments on cults Overall, it’s kinda similar to modern France’s secularist policies Should there be anything with God-Building? Prolekultists were fringe irl, but maybe they could be a neat little religious movement. Maybe multiple elements of it, some more cult-ish than others Alexander Men religious org - will look up more info Sports Idk anything about sports Video Games Idk how much crossover happens between Japan and USSR, Japan and USA wrt video games There is some crossover for video games between USSR and US/Europe as electronics industries develop, but put on a hold under Sablin as they pursue more militant policies. Under Gorbachev, western investment into electronics industry and cultural crossover boosts amount of video games Video game companies are both attracted to and hesitant of USSR, because low costs in USSR mean lower wages, which means USSR dev teams can be just as educated, if not better, than dev teams in Europe and USA, but they can be paid much less. On the other hand, the USSR is, at best, hesitant to enforce copyright laws, so piracy is rampant. Often sellers will refuse to sell in USSR, while other sellers will offer more incentives to USSR to enforce copyrights for different games. STALKER is just an official spinoff of Fallout in EXTL (very different since no Chernobyl, I don’t think) USSR state funding for modders and indie game devs, as part of art endowment funds USSR games can often be politically oriented Disco Elysium was co-creation between Estonia and USSR USSR has many sci fi games, which can be sometimes pretty dark, as well as space related games, harkening back to Cosmism. Many simulation games. ARMA in EXTL is developed by a Soviet dev team. USSR also has a number of city-building and economic management simulators as well Educational/Propaganda history games. USSR has quite a number of shooters that are basically like Call of Duty but for Russian Revolution, WW2, and Cold War, but not as commercialized or constantly pumped out like COD. There are a lot of artsy indie games, and many artsy horror games since those are cheaper to produce than big budget titles. Overall USSR has smaller console sales than USA andJapan, since the Soyuz has less impressive hardware and compatibility than other consoles. More focus on PC gaming in the USSR. Fallout: New Vegas, Cities: Skylines, Hearts of Iron IV, Victoria III, and Minecraft are among the most popular modded games in the Soviet Union. However, Soviet mods are seldom played outside of the USSR due to the language barrier. Some modders receive artistic grants from the government, but they have also begun requesting translation support for Japanese, English, and other popular languages throughout the world to help their mods spread beyond the USSR without the help of third-party translators. SSR’s Russian SFSR I’m going to assume that the RSFSR has its own communist party and such, so that it is just the largest republic within the USSR but has the same authority as other republics Going to figure out sizes for these cumulatively later, because borders are so different, sometimes in minor ways, that i won’t bother trying to figure out an estimate for each SSR until much later Flag

Leader - Boris Kagarlitsky (CPSU - Right Faction (Unorthodox Socialism)) Population - 150 million - tentative Capitol - Moscow Ukrainian SSR Flag

Leader - Yulia Tymoshenko (CPSU - Federalist Faction (Social Democracy)) Population - 45 million - tentative Capitol - Kiev/Kyiv Byleorussian SSR Flag

Leader - Anastasia Baburova (CPSU - Center Faction (Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism) Population - 10 million - tentative Capitol - Minsk Georgian SSR Flag

Leader - Merab Chigoev (CPSU - Left Faction (Orthodox Marxism)) Population - 4 million - tentative Capitol - Tbilisi Karakalpak SSR Flag

Leader - Salijon Abdurahmanov (CPSU - Left Faction (Orthodox Marxism)) Population - 1.6 million - very tentative placeholder since idk how border changes and Aral Sea change population Capitol - Nukus Kazakh SSR Flag

Leader - Ainur Kurmanov (CPSU - Left Faction (Orthodox Marxism)) Alexandra Elbakyan will come in later as leader for the CPSU Orthodox faction, but by 2020 start she would be just 31, so it’s probably better to save her for later in late 2020’s and 2030’s. Population - 19 million Capitol - Alma-Ata Kirghiz SSR Flag

Leader - Ömürbek Babanov (CPSU - Federalist Faction (non-communists)) - tentative Population - 4.5 million - very tentative, based on excluded regions Capitol - Frunze Tatar SSR Flag Leader - Fandas Safiullin (CPSU - Federalist Faction (non-communists)) Population - 4 million Capitol - Kazan Volga German SSR Flag

Leader - Sahra Wagenknecht (CPSU - LeftFaction (Orthodox Marxism)) Population - 1 million - placeholder number based on 2010 census of all Volga Germans in Russia (394,000), adding German communist exiles, no ethnic deportations like irl, and 1941 population of Volga German ASSR (600,000). Today it’s split between 2 different oblasts, so I am just going to settle on 1 million for now and we can change it later. Capitol - Engels Azerbaijan SSR


Leader - Rovshan Javadov (CPSU - Federalist Faction (non-communists)) Population - 11 million - tentative Capitol - Baku Ethnicities Add any that you can think of for these Russian, Byelorussian, Ukrainian, Tatar, Jewish, Mordvin, Chuvash, Evenk, Georgian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Karelian Kirgiz, Tuvan, Buryat, Yakut, Chukchi, Nenet, Bashkir, Tuvan, Komi peoples, Azerbaijani Immigrants - Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Tajik, Turkmen, Polish, Moldavian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Finnish, Armenian Science I am not a science guy at all, so I will just list some ideas here Agriculture OTL, Soviet agriculture was significantly behind US agriculture, even in its most developed periods, because it had to develop off of subsistence farming in many areas and didn’t have as many tractors as the USA. Lots of tentative stuff about Trotsky, Bukharin, etc. for collectivization and how that affects agricultural science USSR cares much more climate change than other powers, so it tries to limit soil degradation, but it still has to make money by selling valuable crops and produce No Lysenko Technology Military USSR has a smaller military in EXTL, so lower budget means less military research, or at least for things solely related to the military Mostly just same tech as Russian Federation uses Computers OGAS Will have to work out details about economics and technological development (how to get materials for computers, creating them and collaborating with other countries to develop them, creating industry around it, and tying it to the socialist economy as a whole) Lenin computer series - early computers Cosmonaut computer series - computers in 1980’s and 1990’s Engels computer series - computers in 1990’s and 2000’s Marx computer series - computers made in mid-2000’s and still being updated today Most software is based on Linux (will have to look up a lot more shit about Linux to show collaboration with Soviet Union and how its software advances in EXTL) Overall, Soviet computer industry is much better off than otl Soviet and Russian computer industry, because there’s much more funding for it, more research dedicated around it, and much more domestic production of computer technology, so that it has its own computer industry, but it’s still not as good compared to US and Japanese computer industries in EXTL. Better than European technological production, however. Consumer goods Cars, computers, phones, etc. Soyuz game consoles Will elaborate on USSR consumer goods and such in Economics section Rocketry Korolev Space Race is mostly between Japan and the USA. Soviets do some space travel later on in the 1990’s though, but budget gets slashed until iit resumes in 2010’s. Nuclear Soviets have about 600 nukes in 2020 Most nuclear research is for nuclear power, which Soviets are very reliant on (while still selling oil to other parts of the world) Trains and cars still need fuel, so no hyperbased nuclear powered cars and trains Medical Technology Alma-Ata Declaration still happens - dedication to provide health for the globe Develops cheaper medical technology and gives that out in humanitarian aid Sort of like Cuban doctors and medical research but with much bigger budget and reach, so can hand out more to many countries No copyrights on vaccines made in USSR Factory Machinery Factory machinery is often connected to domestic internet beginning with OGAS, and much more so as time goes on Makes it much more expensive to manufacture equipment with some way of recording its processes to send information to internet Internet is vital, absolutely vital, to making factories run, because logistics are recorded in real time and information is fed to networks across the USSR to keep accurate records of production Problems with forged online production somewhat, but not nearly as bad as irl forgery in economic planning Radio-Technology IDK Radar Satelites Space Research Space/Astronomy USSR starts to get involved in space in 1970’s, sends out more space flights in the 1990’s, even though there is economic decline, and sharply reduces it in 2000’s. Brings it back more seriously in 2010’s with satellites, International Space Station collaboration, etc. Lots of space research though, combined with fascination with space (Cosmism) Biology Mathematics Physics Chemistry Anthropology Ethnography Archeology Medicine Arctic base Rykov Station Soviet Internet Sci-Hub VKontakte (VK) Wikipedia Economy Brief Summary with information like GDP, GDP rank, goods produced, etc. Energy Technology Military Production Capital Goods (Heavy Industry) Consumer goods (Light Industry) Agriculture Resource Extraction Services Investments/Trade Foreign investments Private production Economic planning OGAS History Government Legislature Decision-making Constitution Districts Law Political Parties Communist Party of the Soviet Union Majority - Far-Left Minority - Center - Left-wing Factions Right - Right Communism (Majority), Left Communism (Minority) Left - Trotskyism, Orthodox Marxism Center - Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, Mao Spontex (Majority), Anarcho-Communism (Minority) Federalist - Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Market Socialism (Majority), Liberalism, Conservatism (Minority) Minor Legal Opposition Party Democratic Union Center - Center-Right Liberalism, Liberal Conservatism, Christian Democracy, Anti-Communism (Majority), Separatism (Minority) Banned Parties (Parties in Russian Government of National Salvation) Fatherland Right-wing - Far-Right Solidarism, Right-wing Populism, Anti-Immigration, Anti-Communism, Russian Nationalism Memory Far-Right Monarchism, Right-wing Populism, Fascism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Communism, Russian Nationalism Russian Fascist Party Far-Right Fascism, National Rejuvinationism, National Socialism, Anti-Semitism, White Nationalism, Russian Nationalism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Communism International Relations North America USA Mexico Canada Central American Socialist Confederation South America Argentina Chile Brazil Venezuela New Granada Andean Union Paraguay Uruguay Asia East Asia Japan China Thailand Myanmar Indonesia Vietnam Philippines Malay Sultanates South Asia India Pakistan Kashmir Nepal Middle East Iran Anatolian Popular Republic United Arab Republics Central Asia Turkmenistan Bukhara Armenia Africa North Africa Algeria Libya Morocco Tunisia Sudan East Africa Ethiopia Uganda Mozambique Somalia East African Federation Madagascar West Africa Burkina Faso Liberia Guinea Togo South Africa (region) Boer Volkstaat South Africa Namibia Central Africa Angola Cameroon Zaire Kagame Rwanda Central African Republic Europe Eastern Europe Poland New Judea Baltics Lithuania Latvia Balkans Greece Bulgaria Romania Yugoslavia Nordics Denmark Norway Iceland Finland Sweden Estonia (marked as Nordic on Map, so idk if there is more of a lore reason for it or if I can put it under Baltics too) Western Europe Netherlands France Spain Portugal Italy Central Europe Germany Hungary Czech Republic Slovakia Switzerland British Isles England Scotland Ireland Oceania Australia New Zealand Petit Tasmanie