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The territory which would become known as Brazil was inhabited by numerous tribal nations prior to the landing in 1500 of explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral, who claimed the discovered land for the Portuguese Empire. Brazil remained a Portuguese colony until 1808 when the capital of the empire was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro. In 1815, the colony was elevated to the rank of kingdom upon the formation of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. Independence was achieved in 1822 with the creation of the Empire of Brazil. The ratification of the first constitution in 1824 led to the formation of a bicameral legislature called the General Assembly. Slavery was abolished in 1888. An authoritarian repressive oligarchical regime came to power in the early 20th century that was followed by a far-right dictatorship in 1931 and ruled until 1938, after which civilian governance resumed. Brazil's current constitution, formulated in 1939, defines it as a democratic federal monarchy.
Brazil is a regional and great power, and is also classified as a emerging power. It is considered an advanced economy, having the sixth largest GDP in the world by nominal, and eighth by PPP measures, the largest in Latin America and is an industrialized country, Brazil has the largest share of global wealth in South America and it is one of the world's major breadbaskets, being the largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years. However, the country maintains noticeable amounts of corruption, with a relatively average amount of crime and social inequality. Brazil is a founding member of the Entente, (organizations), Organization of Ibero-American States and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries.
== History ==
