
Core G7 members
Host state and leader are shown in bold text.
Member Represented by Title
Commonwealth of Canada Douglas Ford Prime Minister
French Seventh Republic François Fillon President
Federal Republic of Germany Annalena Baerbock Chancellor
Argentine Republic María Estela Peron President
Empire of Japan Shinjirō Koizumi Prime Minister
Commonwealth of Australia Nick Xenophon Prime Minister
United States of America Donald Trump President
Guest Invitees (Countries)
Country Represented by Title
Kingdom of England and Wales Andrew Mitchell Prime Minister
East African Federation January Makamba President
Kingdom of Itlay Silvio Berlusconi Prime Minister
Egyptian Arab Republic Hamdeen Sabahi President
People’s Republic of Hindustan Nirmala Sitharaman Prime Minister
Republic of Petit Tasmanie Jean Lassalle Prime Minister
Republic of China Carrie Lam President
South African National Congress Bantu Holomisa President
Kingdom of Spain Inés Arrimadas President

Gallery of participating leaders

Invited guests

Presidents and Heads of government

The following leaders were invited to the Outreach Session of the G7 Summit.

Heads of international organisations